Reasons For A Septic Tank Leak


Your septic tank is crucial for disposing of wastewater from your home. One of the standard septic tank repairs involves sealing leaks. If your septic system leaks, it will restrict water usage inside and outside your house. It also poses health risks to your neighbors. A leaking tank can be caused by any of the following factors. 

Crushed Pipes

The components of your septic system are connected by pipes. One of the factors that can damage these pipes is excess weight. For example, if you park or drive over the drain pipes, you could crush them. As a result, the pipes will start to leak.

Tree Roots

You should avoid planting trees in the area around the septic tank. The roots of these trees are usually in need of moisture. Therefore, they typically destroy sewer pipes and septic tanks in search of moisture. It is hard to notice sewage leaks caused by tree roots. The tell-tale sign to look out for is swampy water above the drainfield or tank.

Rusting and Cracking

Many septic tanks are vulnerable to corrosion from rust or the acidic gas in the tank. The concrete in tanks may also crack because of improper installation or due to pressure. It is crucial to establish the material your septic tank is made of. This way, you will know whether it is susceptible to rusting or cracking. For example, steel septic tanks have a short life span and a high risk of rusting. A rusted steel tank is a collapse hazard. It needs to be replaced to avoid the risk of collapsing.


Groundwater also causes leakages. If the groundwater level is high, it can exert pressure on the tank and lead to leakages. The effects of groundwater are usually experienced after heavy rainfall or during very dry conditions. Ensure you monitor your groundwater levels to ensure they are always low.

Damaged Baffle

If your septic tank's baffle is damaged, it can create a hole that allows water to leak from the septic system. This arises when a concrete baffle collapses because of the toxic gases in the tank.

Another reason it could collapse is if the baffle wasn't sealed correctly. Apart from causing water to leak in and out of the septic tank, a damaged baffle attracts tree roots. These roots are drawn to the water source and will damage the septic system in search of water.

In Closing

If you notice that your septic tank is leaking, you should schedule immediate repairs to avoid costly damages. Invest in regular septic tank inspection and pumping to prevent leaks and other septic tank repair issues.

Contact a local septic tank company, such as A-1 Complete Septic Tank Service, to learn more. 


8 February 2023

Building Septic Tanks on New Properties: Tips, Facts and Ideas

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Heather, and a few years ago, my partner and I got a very cheap property up in the mountains practically in the middle of nowhere. I knew we had to build, but there were many elements that I overlooked. I never even considered the idea that we wouldn't be connected to a town sewer system for example. However, I learned quickly as we built our septic tank. Through the process, I also researched a lot of alternatives to ensure we got the perfect septic system for our needs. If you are building on a new property and you don't have the option of sewer, this blog has everything you need to know about septic systems. I truly love to help others, and I hope these posts help you.