What Factors Affect Septic Pumping Cost? Find Out


A septic system allows wastewater to drain from your household for treatment. On the other hand, the tank separates solids from wastewater, stores them, and partially decomposes the solid content. Ultimately, this allows the liquid waste to go to the drain field, where the soil naturally purifies it. However, your tank may gradually fill up with sludge, hindering drainage in your home. Therefore, you should employ a plumber's services for septic tank pumping to ensure effective drainage. The following are the factors that impact this process.

Tank Size

Your tank's capacity will significantly affect the pumping frequency and price. As such, a large tank will hold more waste and take more time to empty. This means you will incur more costs as the gallons will add up. On the other hand, the plumber will charge you less for a tank with a smaller capacity as they will employ fewer resources in pumping it. Note that the only way to determine the most accurate price is by having a septic tank expert calculate your tank's capacity.

The Condition of Your Tank

How you maintain your tank will either increase or decrease the pumping cost. This includes servicing your tank to sustain its structural integrity and emptying it more frequently to maintain its health. On the other hand, if you overlook your tank's maintenance, it may deteriorate, causing sludge accumulation and leaks. Note that this will increase the pumping costs as the plumbers must fix the tank prior to clearing waste. Furthermore, the plumbers must remove the clog by jetting the system, increasing the pumping costs.

Geographical Location

You will incur higher pumping costs if you reside in a densely populated area. Note that these areas have a high cost of living, and the experts will incur difficulties navigating equipment to reach the tank. In addition, you may incur more pumping costs if you live in cooler regions. This is because cold climates slow bacterial action, hindering anaerobic digestion. Given this, you will need to pump your septic tank more often, costing more than in warmer areas.

Tank Usage

The septic tank will fill much faster if your household fails to observe the non-flushable rule. More so, you will incur more costs per service to pump your tank. On the other hand, large volumes of black and gray water in your home may lead to increased tank usage. As such, you will need to clear your tank more often, increasing the pumping costs.

Note that septic pumping is a recurring expense as long as you don't have access to the main sewage system. Therefore, you may want to acquire pumping costs from different companies and choose one offering affordable rates. 


15 December 2022

Building Septic Tanks on New Properties: Tips, Facts and Ideas

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Heather, and a few years ago, my partner and I got a very cheap property up in the mountains practically in the middle of nowhere. I knew we had to build, but there were many elements that I overlooked. I never even considered the idea that we wouldn't be connected to a town sewer system for example. However, I learned quickly as we built our septic tank. Through the process, I also researched a lot of alternatives to ensure we got the perfect septic system for our needs. If you are building on a new property and you don't have the option of sewer, this blog has everything you need to know about septic systems. I truly love to help others, and I hope these posts help you.