3 Questions To Ask When Renting Portable Toilets


Access to a restroom facility is crucial anytime there is a large gathering of people. If you are planning an outdoor event, portable restrooms are often the easiest way to ensure attendees have access to a restroom when they need one.

Renting portable restrooms may not be the most glamorous job, but it is an extremely important one. Here are three questions that you should ask when renting toilets for your event to ensure your restroom needs are met.

1. How Many Toilets Are Needed?

The first thing you will need to decide is how many portable toilets you want to rent for your event.

Many factors will come into play when calculating the ideal number of toilets for your event. Some of these factors include the length of your event, the number of attendees, and whether or not there will be food and beverages available at the event.

If there will be alcohol at your event, you will need to increase the number of portable toilets to accommodate your guests. Alcohol can act as a diuretic, causing people to need to urinate more often than usual.

Things could get messy fast if you don't have enough toilets at your event, so work closely with your rental company to decide how many units will suffice.

2. Who Will Service the Toilet Units?

You should always take the time to find out who is responsible for servicing portable restroom units before you finalize your rental contract.

Some rental companies send technicians out daily to replenish toilet paper reserves, refill soap dispensers, and add deodorant to the refuse tank. Other rental companies supply only the portable toilet unit, leaving you responsible for servicing these units throughout your event.

You will need to know who is responsible for servicing the toilets so that you can accurately estimate and compare your rental costs.

3. How Large are the Refuse Tanks?

It's important to know how large the refuse tanks are on the portable toilets that you plan to rent. The tank size will determine how many times a toilet unit can be used before it needs to be emptied.

You may need to schedule a pump-out sometime during your event if you anticipate that the portable toilets you rent could become too full. It's often cheaper to invest in a pump-out service than it is to rent additional toilet units for events that will span multiple days. For more information on portable potty unit rentals, contact a company near you.


21 October 2022

Building Septic Tanks on New Properties: Tips, Facts and Ideas

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Heather, and a few years ago, my partner and I got a very cheap property up in the mountains practically in the middle of nowhere. I knew we had to build, but there were many elements that I overlooked. I never even considered the idea that we wouldn't be connected to a town sewer system for example. However, I learned quickly as we built our septic tank. Through the process, I also researched a lot of alternatives to ensure we got the perfect septic system for our needs. If you are building on a new property and you don't have the option of sewer, this blog has everything you need to know about septic systems. I truly love to help others, and I hope these posts help you.